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By DLLC – Law Firm in Singapore

Decoding Legal Terms in Personal Injury Claims

Navigating through a personal injury claim can feel like ​​trying to find your way through a thick fog — confusing and uncertain at every turn. For many, the legal terminology used in these cases can be confusing, leaving them feeling too overwhelmed to pursue their claim and eventually forfeiting their rightful compensation.

As accident lawyers, we believe in helping our clients grasp the key legal terms encountered during personal injury claims, empowering you to become a more informed and proactive participant in your legal journey. Here are the most common terms you will encounter when filing a personal injury claim in Singapore:

Term 1: Negligence

When it comes to personal injury claims, the term “Negligence” refers to the failure to show the level of care that a reasonably prudent person would under similar circumstances. This concept forms the foundation of personal injury law.

For a claim to be successful, it must be demonstrated that negligence occurred, directly causing injury. For example, if a customer is injured from slipping due to a spill in a store which the owner failed to clean up, this could be considered negligence.

Term 2: Liability

Liability” means having legal responsibility for one’s actions or omissions. In the context of personal injury claims, determining who is liable is critical, as it establishes who is legally at fault and responsible for the damages incurred.

Term 3: Damages

Damages” refer to the monetary compensation given to an individual who has suffered harm. In personal injury claims, damages are categorised into two main types:

  1. Compensatory: These are intended to compensate the injured party for the actual costs incurred from the injury, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage.
  2. Punitive: These are awarded in cases of gross negligence or intentional misconduct to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behaviours in the future.

Understanding the different types of damages can aid in forming realistic expectations regarding the potential compensation one might receive.

Term 4: Statute of Limitations

The “Statute of Limitations” may seem like a complex term. But it simply refers to the deadline by which a personal injury claim must be filed.

In Singapore, the limitation period is three years from the date of injury or when the claimant becomes aware of the injury. Missing this deadline can bar your right to make a claim, regardless of the severity of the injury or the clear negligence of the other party.

Term 5: Comparative Negligence

Comparative Negligence” is a principle that might adjust the amount of damages one can recover based on the claimant’s own responsibility for causing the injury.

The compensation is typically reduced by a percentage equivalent to the claimant’s degree of fault and is determined on a case-by-case basis. For example, if a claimant is found 30% responsible for an accident, their compensation will be reduced by that percentage.

Navigating Personal Injury Claims

Knowing these common legal terms is not just about legal literacy; it’s about empowering yourself to actively engage with your claim and legal representatives. Knowledge of these terms enables you to converse more effectively with your lawyer and understand the strategies employed in your case.

What is a Personal Injury Lawyer

personal injury lawyer specialises in representing individuals who have been injured due to the wrongful actions of others or negligence. They will help their clients secure compensation for their losses and damages.

If you find yourself puzzled by legal jargon or need professional guidance through your accident or personal injury, reach out to us at DLLC. Our experienced lawyers are ready to help clarify any confusion and advocate on your behalf to ensure you are awarded the compensation you rightfully deserve.

The contents and views set out above are those of the author(s) and/or are personal views and for information only. It does not constitute in any way any legal advice or representation to the reader even if the facts appear similar to your fact situation. You are strongly encouraged to seek legal advice should you have any legal issues.